One function to get random values directly in your smart contract.
Build with Randomizer Try real-time game
function flip() external {
// Make request to Randomizer with 100k callback gas limit
uint256 flip = Randomizer.request(100000);
flipToAddress[flip] = msg.sender;
function randomizerCallback(uint256 _id, bytes32 _value) external {
require(msg.sender == address(Randomizer));
address player = flipToAddress[_id];
// Convert the random bytes to a number between 0 and 99
uint256 random = uint256(_value) % 100;
// 50% win/lose
if(random >= 50){
emit Win(player);
} else {
emit Lose(player);
Easy Randomness
Call a single contract function and receive a callback near-instantly with random bytes32.
ETH Settlement
NFTs 2.0
Proof of Stake (PoS)
Real-time Results
On-chain Validation
Low Fees
DAO Governance